Monday, January 31, 2011


1. Get going in the great outdoors

Once your child starts all-day kindergarten, you're left with a narrow window of time during the day — between 8 a.m and 6 p.m. — when you or his after-care provider can encourage your kindergartner to exercise. And at this age TV, videos, and computer games can compete for his attention. One of the best ways to make sure that your 5-year-old gets all the exercise he needs is to head outside, says David Bernhardt, a sports medicine pediatrician at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Kids run, climb, hop, skip, and jump much more in the great outdoors than they do when stuck inside (where there are lots of admonitions to quit jumping on the couch). And kids this age are even more likely to do those things if they have a friend along, since activities with peers become increasingly important now. So scout out some safe outdoor play places for your child, bring along a buddy or two plus bats, balls, and bikes (don't forget the helmets), and keep an eye on them as they race around together. If your child is in an after-care program, make sure exercise is a regular part of the schedule.
2. Set a good example

You probably already know that what you say has an impact on how your 5-year-old talks, and that what you eat affects his diet. Same goes for exercise: Your child's future fitness and activity level are influenced by how you spend your spare time, says Bernhardt. So when you can, walk to school, the shops, the library, or a friend's house rather than piling into the car. At home, take the time to do yoga stretches or follow along to a workout video — and encourage him to join in. If he sees you keeping fit, he'll be more likely to develop this healthy habit too.

3. Exercise together

Build in some time each day to exercise together — just as you try to have a family meal and keep a bedtime ritual. Even venturing out after dinner for a walk to search for stars or chase fireflies counts. What's most important is that you come up with a flexible routine that works for your family. On the weekends, make sure some family outings are active ones (for instance, swimming at the local pool, sledding in the park, or riding on a bike trail) instead of sedentary ones, such as taking a drive. Head to the beach to comb for hidden treasures, or hike a nearby nature trail and keep an eye out for curious creatures. Any activities that also promote free play — such as tag, kick ball, or Marco Polo at the pool — are excellent ways to weave in exercise.

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