 | - People actually see the system of Paradise here but chain of natural causes hinder their wisdom right away. This is what we call unawareness. Because of this veil of unawareness people eventually become unaware of Allah.

- We are created moment by moment, Allah creates unceasingly. Everything is continuously created in our brains in the form of images. In one instance there is a line of people waiting for a shared taxi, boatman are selling fried fish sandwich, one is feeling cold and there is a bagel seller… Life is shown in such a natural way that it becomes impossible for people to presume another secondary option. He says, “This is the reality.” However, we are only witnessing the images of all these in our brains. This is the artistry of Allah.

- Some people would like to see Allah as an illusory being and themselves as the real being (surely Allah is beyond this). Whereas, rather than fearing the fact of becoming an illusory being himself, on the contrary, one should regard this with delight and love. A person who understands that everything is created as an image in his brain grasps Paradise, Hell, death and the Hereafter very well and attains deep-seated faith. It is a command of the Qur’an to ponder on this and other topics with deep thinking, there is no reason to abstain from this.

- Many people walk dead on the streets. Allah says, “You see them looking at you, yet they do not see.”

- Hazrat Mahdi (as) will turn this world into Paradise. Enmity, oppression, blood and tears will be removed from the earth.

- Their hostility towards me does not interest me at all. I advocate the truth in all circumstances.

- Allah informs us that the system of the Mahdi is told in the Torah with the verse, “We wrote down in the Psalms, after the Reminder came: ‘It is My servants who are righteous who will inherit the earth.’” (Surat Al-Anbiya, 105). The system of the Mahdi is mentioned in the noncorrupted parts of the Torah.

- We are going to dominate the morals of Islam all over the world. There will be unequalled freedom and love. We will be praising our endlessly Glorious Allah unceasingly.

- Protein displays more wisdom than the entire human beings, it is not probable for it to form through coincidences or to exist coincidentally. Ones who make this allegationare not able to give an explanation for their claims of coincidence before Allah.

- System of antichrist has cast a spell on the world, this spell will be broken through insistent discourse. We will keep on exposing the system of antichrist and talking about the system of the Mahdi.

- Such a soulless religion, I mean a religion preached without spirit, a structure made up of boneheaded people is an enormous satanic ecol that would strike the religion from the inside. This should be avoided severely; showing the religion as if it is soulless. Religion is enthusiasm, love, compassion, cleanliness, passion, reason and rationale and it is looking at things pure-minded and being modest... There is the energy, there is the soul in religion; there is love. If they attempt to preach a religion stripped from this would be a very big mischief, a very big mistake.
- Islam is the manifestation of our aspiration for Heaven in this world. It is almost like living in Heaven on earth. We will wipe away that cold, dull, loveless understanding of Islam. We have got rid of this understanding of Islam that is full of superstitions to a great extent. The Qur'an teaches us wisdom, sincerity, thinking and living well and wiping away the sorrows and pain.
- Loving Allah a lot is very important. Someone who loves Allah deeply would turn into an atomic bomb. A faithful Muslim would be as powerful as 800 thousand hydrogen bombs. It is very important to attain that power. Profound love for Allah, profound fear of Allah would turn into an invincible power.
- Love is based on love of Allah. We love Allah with an endless love. Because Allah is infinite Might and Beauty. We ask Allah to love forever. And we love as much as Allah bestows. We love with no bounds, for Allah’s approval, as a manifestation of Allah.
- Scientists are not so enthusiastic. But a spiritual love and fervor will come in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). There will be no holding back art and science. Solutions will be found to all diseases. Allah will eliminate disease in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Science will reach a peak. Art will reach a peak. Love and passion and fervor will all reach a peak.
- The Qur'an teaches us wisdom, sincerity, thinking and living well and wiping away the sorrows and pain. Anything on the contrary would cause grief, sorrow and disgrace fall upon people. Allah teaches us spiritual and physical cleanliness in the Qur'an. He teaches us how to purify our souls, He teaches us how to cleanse our body and our surroundings.
- A solidarity based upon love, respect, compassion, and understanding must be established among the believers. We must refrain from factionalism rooted in cultural, traditional, or differences of opinion, and instead of making an issue of them at every opportunity, we must support unity.
- Those who realize the importance of this matter must warn the others about the dangers of disunity, fragmentation, and segregation, and work for unity in the service of Allah.
- A Muslim’s religious obligations begin as a hypocrite embarks on immorality. He begins earning thousands of pieces of merits. Until the hypocrite outs a stop to his attack. Then the Sun has risen and the time for that observance has passed.
- By Allah’s leave, with the counter-offensive of faith against the hypocrite onslaught greater merit can be earned from such obligatory observances as prayer and fasting.
- The hypocrite imagines he does things himself and is unaware that Allah controls him. That is the great difference with a Muslim, who knows that Allah does all things and has power over him.
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- Hazrat Mahdi (as) will cause 7 billion people to say, "Lailaha illaAllah Muhammadan Rasulullah."
- Asked, “why do you not live by Islam?” he will say, “I have my business, I am busy with checks and things from morning to night, and then there is my family that keeps me occupied.” But since he is unwilling to set time aside for Islam, Allah creates these in such a way as to take up all his time. Allah smothers him in them.
- “I have to make money and take care of the children, so you must excuse me.” But if you tell him, “we will give you 100 billion to market a company” then he will work day and night to do that. But if you say, “Do it for Allah” he will say, “I am too busy with my possessions and children.”
- They say, “we would have followed you if we knew how to fight.” But if told, “I will give you 300 million a month, so do you now how to fight now?” he will reply, “I will do it perfectly.” That means your faith is weak. You are setting aside eternal paradise. Yet he could be saving lives with that money, giving it to hospitals, but he never thinks of that.
- The unification of the Islamic world means paradise on earth.
- Islam is contained within the Qur’an. But the hypocrites looks for the deen in the Qur’an, he thinks, but cannot find it. So he turns to nonsense. He puts the Qur’an and that nonsense together and seeks to apply that.
- I will not distract Muslims with non-urgent matters. Islamic Union is the most urgent subject.
- Our Prophet (saas) had a perfect attitude toward women. Love of woman stems from love of Allah. Love for a child, flowers or cats and dogs all stems from love of Allah. But hypocrites do not realize this as they have no love of Allah.
- Muslims are exceedingly joyful, happy and full of life with a healthy mindset. They have clear minds and are full of love.
- The most effective matter for people to come to faith is the truth about matter. Most people do not know that images form in the brain. But the truth of the life of this world, paradise, hell and the hereafter all become crystal clear in the mind of one who knows the truth about matter.
- Belief in reincarnation is totally illogical. What would happen if one entered a cat? There is nothing educational about it. There is no meaning in terms of testing a person. If a person needs time to mature, he is given plenty of time in this world. Ten days is enough for a person to learn, but Allah bestows 70-80 years. That is plenty of time to learn.
- The way of the dajjal prevents Muslims remembering Allah. The prohibition on prayer across the world is the way of the dajjal. But the way of the Mahdi will never submit to that.
- People who think deeply can realize Allah’s artistry. That is why He says in one verse; “Only those of His slaves with knowledge have fear of Allah.” Allah wants Muslims to think all the time, to reflect deeply and have knowledge.
- “How can we wait for the Mahdi? How will these 10 years ever pass?” They will pass very excellently, with conversation and talk. There could be no way of the Mahdi without these other times. The finest years of the way of the Mahdi are these years. These are the hardest, but the best years. Afterward, Islam will rule the world. The Mahdi (as) will sit at home and talk, and they will travel about but the merit earned will be very low. In other words, if one earns a trillion merits in difficult times it will not be possible to earn so much in easier times.
- If we fully abide by the Qur’an, if we are honest, then Islam will rule the world. Allah’s mercy lies in Islamic Union.
- Merit will decline enormously once Islamic moral values have rules the world. Because there will be no pain and suffering and nothing to display fortitude over. There will be no difficulties. Everything may be delightful and easy and fine, but merit will be very low. That is why Almighty Allah is leaving it to the last moment. Almighty Allah is spreading the way of the Mahdi over 40 years so that Muslims can earn very much merit. The death of the dajjal is taking 40 years. That is explicitly stated in the hadiths.
- Guns will fall silent once love comes.
- The students of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be known for their gentleness and cleanliness and will closely resemble one another.
- There was a desire to spread the faith in the time of our Prophet (saas). People concentrated on collecting around our Prophet (saas), being together there and being united. At present, some people regard the fragmentation of Muslims as perfectly legitimate. And that leads to a lack of fertility and potency.
 | - The way of the dajjal affords all kinds of means to those who do not harm its religion. The way of the dajjal is expert at making the world captive with very few numbers. One cannot think any good of the way of the dajjal. It is unacceptable, at a time when the way of the dajjal enfolds the world, not to speak against and wage an intellectual campaign against it.
- The way of the Mahdi is a thunderbolt hurled against the dajjal by Allah.
- Our brothers can eliminate the influence of the dajjal by constantly talking about the way of the Mahdi. One cannot lift the hypnotic spell on people by telling them just once, one has to keep on talking about it.
- There can be no Islamic Union without the way of the Mahdi. Islamic countries will not unite. Shiite Iran will not accept a Sunni leader. Neither will a Sunni country accept Shiite leadership. And there can be no Islamic Union under such circumstances. But Shiites will also accept Hazrat Mahdi (as), and Sunnis, and Alawites, and Bektashis and Wahabbists. Christians will also accept him, and Jews. Because Christians and Jews are awaiting Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- A prayer against Hazrat Mahdi (as) will enfold the person who prays. The more Hazrat Mahdi (as) is slandered the finer he will grow.
- The whole issue os one of making people have faith. It is easy once they have faith; they will pray and fast and give alms and go on the hajj. That is why the signs leading to faith are so important. They must encourage them to visit my web sites to increase their faith. They must watch us on satellite every evening.
- The infinite past and infinite future were created in an infinitely short space of time. We must try to understand Allah’s profound knowledge in time and space.
- Realistic speech is very important. People are used to various types turning up in the name of religion. They see there is a very sincere and honest conception of Islam. Every explanation is highly rational, based on the Qur’an, free from any nonsense, founded on honesty and friendship and based on reality, and no account is at all illogical. Who can resist that? How? Conscience would never permit it.
- Muslims are rational, affectionate, compassionate, forgiving, respectful, and are humble towards all ideas. They treat Christians, Jews and members of other faiths with respect and watch over their security, honor, integrity and everything else. If they do not do this, they have nothing to do with Islam. They may have original ideas, or be under the influence of Darwinism. They perhaps hold Marxist views. They may be supporting anarchist terrorism. For that reason, it is not enough to say they are Muslims. If they are Muslims they must behave as Islam requires. If they do not, then I think there is little logic in referring to them as Muslims.
- Love is much stronger than violence, love is a thousand times greater than violence. And violence is something repulsive, it has the opposite effect on modern, civilized people. People are influenced by love, scientific accounts, suggestion, sincerity and beauty. All the prophets have preached the faith in that way. There is no compulsion in the faith.
- Being the Mahdi (pbuh) is a matter of success, not of claiming to be him. We will realize someone is the Mahdi (pbuh) through his success. One cannot want to be the Mahdi (pbuh). Being the Mahdi has to be in one's destiny. Those people's claims to be the Mahdi are therefore wrong in all those regards.
- Some circles want Jews, Christians and Muslims to be each other's enemy, they want us to be in war and shed each other's blood. That is the plot of the satan. The Christians, Jews and Muslims will live by their own beliefs individually as they know it. However they will all approach each other friendly and brotherly, and with compassion. It is natural that every religion thinks that it is the true religion.
- The behavior recommended to all Muslims in the Qur’an is to treat the People of the Book with love, respect, affection and compassion, to protect and watch over them and to meet their needs in the finest manner. The pronouncement of the Qur’an regarding the People of the Book is crystal clear, and is also clear from the Sunna of our Prophet (saas). The people of the Book are our La Ilaha IllaAllah (there is no god but Allah) brothers
- I am stating clearly that, Islam will prevail all around the world and those who are expecting bigotry will see a very modern and quality way of life. The Age of Bliss and bigotry are totally different. Furthermore, atheists and communists will say “if we knew it would be like this, we would have supported it with all our hearts”.
- We need to live through and face some struggles and oppositions. It makes us more passionate and enthusiastic as we go through such a challenging environment.
- In the period of Hazrat Mahdi (as); like the collapse of Darwinism and materialism, bigotry and obscurantism will be wiped out. The system of the Mahdi will sweep over obscurantism so much so that it will never come out again. But just after the period of the Mahdi (as) time, communism will rise from the grave again; though [the terror of] the doomsday will break out over those [communists]. That form of communism will be a much more corrupt and bloodier form.
- Today, the behavior of being egotistical and selfish is widespread and restlessness [among people] very common. People hide their money the instant they get it. The economic crisis keeps growing and at the same time crushing countries. This is the [expected] appearance of the “smoke” from the system of the antichrist. It will be Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his students who will clear this smoke.
- It is very easy to drag a society into pessimism. If someone says “we are ruined” then all other people would sink into pessimism, but if someone revives them, then the mood of these people can easily be changed. Hazrat Mahdi (as) is assigned by Allah for this task. He will revive everyone. After Hazrat Mahdi (as) passes away, the Prophet Jesus (as) will lead. However, after the Prophet Jesus (as) passes away, there will be no one who will be a pillar of society.
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- Around Hijri 1543 (approximately 2120 AD), all people will have the same power as the dajjal (antichrist). There needs to be a Mahdi to oppose them. During that time, around doomsday, is when bloodshed will be like a flood. The Mahdi of that time will be the doomsday itself.
- All of the childrens’ lives will be taken just before the Judgment Day. They will not be alive while it is happening. It is a miracle that hair on children’s heads will turn to gray and it is a sign that the Judgment Day has just begun.
- [As an analogy], the fact of creation is like an ocean while the theory of evolution was like a drop, but we have even evaporated that drop.
- If what is being desired through Armageddon is blood, currently the blood of satan is shed. Currently a close combat for dominance is taking place between the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and those of satan.
- The system of the Mahdi flourishes through opposition. The system of the Mahdi thrives in the face of assaults. It will progress as much as they attack.
- Lie darkens the soul. It stupefies. Every person needs to experience the relief and sincerity of honesty.
- We surely pay for the web pages and the television channels. We are also paying for our TV channel which will open. We spend all our resources in the way of Allah; we are always here, in the hottest days of summer, during feasts or holidays. We are not concerned with other things. We do not go on trips. We have no summers or winters. This has been so for 30-40 years. We are spending all our resources in Allah’s way.
- Rewards for communicating the religion of Islam are earned through other parties’ resistance. The other party will resist so as to multiply the rewards. He will resist so as to make you communicate with exuberance. That is why there will always be people resisting against those who communicate the message of religion.
 | - A genuine devout looks at everything with the love of Allah. He seeks joy and trust. He pursues to eradicate fears. While he himself tries to feel at ease, he also makes effort for the relief of others. He indeed cannot find personal relief without ensuring others’.
- In the face of the possibility of going to hell at any moment, Muslims remain immensely peaceable.
- Istanbul is conquered for the system of the Mahdi. Istanbul is the heart of the entire Islamic world.
- A genuine man of dawah(cause of Islam) explains the signs of Allah against disbelief.
- They try to generate a filthy, pathological community of people distant to the love of Allah. We, on the other hand, will raise generations who are robust in the physical sense and in mind Insha'Allah. We will raise generations of exuberance and generations who are consumed with love.
- We all are the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as). A person can be Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) follower as long as he desires it. This is a matter of love; once you love you already become his follower.
- I believe that devout freemasons will get into action hand in hand in order to bring about a beautiful world.
- The right parts of both the Gospel and the Torah are amazing, they are healing to the heart. I compiled the right parts of both of the books in a book. Those who suggest not to read Gospel and Torah simply err. These right books also exist in the Qur’an. We are responsible for knowing the right parts of the Gospel and Torah.
- It is not important for those having genuine faith to be in minority. Believers have always been in minority. This is always so in the Qur’an. Allah does not want majority. Allah wants few but educated people. We are in a period in which a minority of people will prevail.
- People must get to know Allah; Allah is infinitely compassionate and merciful. Allah teaches us compassion. It is Allah Who teaches us to show pity and compassion. Allah forbid, some attempt to give Allah a lesson of compassion. The fact is, while they were totally unaware of it, it is Allah Who granted them the feelings of mercy and compassion.
- If you say “War”, they would say, “Hurray, where is it?”. When peace is mentioned, they look in astonishment. When brotherhood is mentioned they feel suffocated, they can’t become brothers. In genuine faith, there must be exuberance in love and brotherhood. The best endeavor is the one made for the union of Muslims.
- Beautiful websites about brotherhood must be opened. Only messages about brotherhood must be sent. Especially short and compact messages around the world.
- The companions of our Prophet (saas) were asking about Hazrat Mahdi (as) five times a day. They used to love him a lot. The system of Mahdi was always on the agenda; it is forgotten only in the End Times.
- While evolution is currently spreading to the world, people confuse science with spell. They improve the ability of persuasion and indoctrination and spread it. They employ many explanations and inculcations. On the televisions they always tell the same things and continuously put forward false evidences. In the news reports they make headlines like, “Intermediary forms uncovered”, “Scientific evidence about the formation of protein by chance discovered.” They are all lies but they have the impact of a spell. We look and see that even the most unlearned man suddenly becomes a Darwinist. You ask someone in Congo to tell how he was created. He answers, “By evolution.” You ask, “How do you know?” He answers, “I heard it from the Congolese radio.” Bediuzzaman says that plague spreads through the power of persuasion. At this point a great answer must be given to it.
- Hazrat Mahdi (as) will come to drill the darkness, he will be anti-bigot. The system of the Mahdi will eradicate bigotry, the world will experience a joy of feast.
- Allah specially created the system of the Mahdi. People will watch the artistry of Allah in astonishment and they will be very surprised. It is also Allah Who created the world’s deep state. There must be strong and stubborn elements against the system of the Mahdi. Allah will definitely bring them before the system of the Mahdi.
- A Muslim does not remain desperate, fearful and sorrowful. A Muslim will be like our Prophet (saas).
- We will defeat them to realize the Islamic Union, the Turkish Islamic Union by which we will live by the Qur’an, Islam and experience the spirit of Islam peculiar to the Age of Bliss. Despite the fact of “globalization”, we will, through a crushing might, establish this world that belongs to us.
- Religion is a beauty that will come true by love and compassion; it does not come into being by force.
- If a person believes that he came into existence by chance, he also believes in globalization, but if he believes in Allah by heart, globalization loses. Allah rules us, not globalization. It is also Allah Who creates the fact of “globalization” and it has no might and effect whatsoever.
- The Turkish-Islamic Union can in no way be stopped right now. But if you say “keep it this way” and do not make any effort, then you will attempt to generate a poor, fearful, timid, inactive, bored community of people bereft of any cause, who have been totally pacified, willing only to become rich by making no effort and sit back, having doubts about the hereafter, idolizing, worshipping globalization. I would never let this happen.
- Flood of anger shown towards the lovers of Allah comes into existence under the encouragement of the system of the antichrist.
- Islamic Union appears not to be isolated from the world but to protect the world. The Turkish Islamic Union will protect the entire world. The most beautiful life style is the one that the Islamic Union will bring.
- Allah says, “Remember Me humbly, with deep excitement and concentration.” He states us to remember Him fearfully, with an inner desire, an exuberant profoundness, deep love, with a proper awe of him. Such a prayer changes the whole world.
- When I do good, I earn the merit. Allah says the reward will be good in this world and the next. If you do wrong, you suffer spiritually. Doubt stresses a person, lovelessness stresses a person and suspicion is troubling. You try to take revenge but end up being horribly troubled. But if you are pleasant natured, your nerves all relax, your brain relaxes. Then you can be joyful. Allah says that doing evil will suffocate you.
- Faith in Allah and putting trust in Him is the greatest luxury in this world. When a person forgets about putting trust in Allah, the world collapses upon him. When he puts his trust in Allah on the other hand, the whole world renders its services to him.
- They tried to present such cruelty, coldness, smear and rebuff as Islam to us and they attempted to teach us such intricacy, such inconceivable superstitions and distastefulness. Thanks be to Allah, we have overturned their plots.
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- Islam is the manifestation of our aspiration for Heaven in this world. It is almost like living in Heaven on earth. We will wipe away that cold, dull, loveless understanding of Islam. We have got rid of this understanding of Islam that is full of superstitions to a great extent.
- The Qur'an teaches us wisdom, sincerity, thinking and living well and wiping away the sorrows and pain. Anything on the contrary would cause grief, and sorrow; and disgrace would fall upon people. Allah teaches us spiritual and physical cleanliness in the Qur'an. He teaches us how to purify our souls, He teaches us how to cleanse our body and our surroundings.
- Nowadays, everyone is on the alert, in fear, and people do not trust anyone. When the Islamic Union is established everyone will be able to stroll securely at nights securely. You could knock on somebody’s door and say “I am a guest of Allah” and you would be welcomed instantly. There will be comfort and security.
- Wealth, prosperity and the distribution of goods with justice all over the world are part of what will define the Islamic Union. If one person is riding in a limousine while a child is digging through garbage to find food, would never bring us happiness. The system of the Mahdi will resolve this.
- Science and the arts will be in the most developed and advanced stages as a result of the Islamic Union. Today they are not able to build aesthetically nice buildings. People do not have any inspiration. At the time of the Mahdi, there will be people who will enjoy and also have a great sense of art. It doesn’t make sense for just art to exist, there should be people that enjoy and take pleasure from the arts. Science and arts will peak, and the illnesses will be cured. There will also be significant developments in the field of medicine.
 | - The Prophet Jesus (as) was a Jew, then he became a Christian. Now, he will become a Muslim after being Christian. When the Prophet Jesus (as) becomes Muslim, Christians will love him a thousand times more than they already love him now. They will become a thousand times closer to Allah. Islam would increase their faith millions of times more.
- When satan’s whispering comes to mind, you would say [to satan], “you keep trying, I am going to have my ablution and perform my prayer”. And you would perform your prayer in a pure clean place with having your inner peace.
- A single pen is more than enough to have faith. Who can create (the image of) a pen in our brain? Allah is Alive, is Eternal and continuously creates for us. Since we know the fact that Allah is Alive and Eternal and is always with us then it is not logical for one to waste time for satan’s whispering.
- Our objective in communicating Islam is to raise people who will follow the Qur’an. Our objective is to raise persons those who fear Allah. To tell people the signs leading to faith. The objective is not to give the information about the Islamic law, but to make people believe with the knowledge of Certainty (ilm al-yaqîn) and with the total reality of Certainty (Haqq al-yaqîn).
- The reason why a Muslim fears Allah is not the fear of death. A Muslim fears of being displeased by Allah and he fears the loss of Allah’s Love. This is how fear of Allah should be.
- You are not supposed to respond to satan’s whisperings. You would say “go away!” Especially never respond to the satan’s whisperings related to ablution and salat. The only response to satan’s whispering would be not taking it into consideration.
- They will never be able to stop Hazrat Mahdi (as), nor will be able to assassinate him. It is the same for the Prophet Jesus (as). Our Prophet’s (saas) situation was the same as well; they didn’t do anything to him. He was surrounded by his enemies. Besides, he wasn’t armored, he fought against his enemies with just having his sword in his hand; but nobody could do anything to him. It is a miracle. Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the same. He will not be able to be killed and he will be definitely succeed.
- One horn of the antichrist is bigotry, the other is atheism. These two always conflict with each other. The antichrist makes them clash one another.
- The belief of some Christians saying that the Prophet Jesus (as) is a son of Allah (Allah is beyond this), made them go nuts. Because of this, many people are abandoning Christianity in Europe and in America.
- I accept all the true parts of the Torah and the Gospel. These parts of the Torah and the Gospel are delightful, and food for the human soul. These true and uncorrupted parts are all compliant to the Qur’an.
- In some ancient versions of the Gospel, it is stated that Allah is the One. The original Gospel has been found as well, but it is being concealed. They might be holding back because they are hesistant of the Vatican. It will come into surface in the correct time inshaAllah. When it is emerged it will be verified that it is the oldest Gospel with the radiocarbon dating method.
- Grudge is a feeling that makes people very uncomfortable and destroy their friendship. The feeling of grudge will be removed in the Heaven. Allah does not leave it in the hearts.
- The world is a training of the Heaven. A training that teaches us how we will enjoy in the Heaven. That is why we are undergoing a thorough training. The one who completes this training will get the most beautiful enjoyment in the Heaven.
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- We are being tested here with a long test. If there wasn’t such a test, and when a person goes to heaven (without being tested), she would never understand the reason there are couches (in the heaven). She would not understand the chalices in the Heaven. She would not understand why we need to have fruits; why we need to have delightful drinks. She would never realize the beauty and the joy of all these blessings.
- We learn love, passion and compassion here, in this world. We will learn very few things in the Heaven. We learn decorated table here; that is why we will like the tables in the Heaven. We will like the chalices of the Heaven in the same way. We know the joy of flying here. Allah will grant this blessing in the Heaven as well.
- Previous generation had believed Darwinism so blindly. That is why Allah points out with the verse “whose fathers were not warned” (Surah Yasin, 6) in the Qur’an. They were under the influence of the old-school science of that time. But now the new generation does not believe in Darwinism with the help of the Internet and the development in other scientific fields. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will intellectually defeat the materialist mentality that has been inherited from their fathers.
- “It makes no difference to them whether you warn them or do not warn them: they will not believe.” (Surah Yasin:10) states Allah. Meaning “no matter how many fossils you show; no matter how many scientific evidence you bring forward; whether you instruct with biogenetics or paleontology they are bullheaded, they never understand. No matter what you do, I created them the way that they cannot understand.” says Allah.
- Some of the Darwinists and materialists do not believe due to arrogance, compulsion, or oppression. “Either you tell or not, there will be no difference” says Allah. It is like talking to a rock or wood, they never get influenced says Allah.
- Allah creates all the talks, the servants cannot do anything on their own. Allah makes the human mouth and throat instrumental, and we listen to them. It is the same for all humans. All power and might belongs only to Allah.
- The impartant thing is being enlightened and thinking deeply. There should be abundant love of Allah in the Islamic websites.
- The fear of Allah is the fear of being displeased by Allah, which is much more severe suffering than the torments in the hell.
- Some Muslims are just aiming to have a comfortable life in this world. Since they are so madly attached to this world, they don’t believe that the world is going to end in this century. However, this is misleading.
- The denial of the sytem of the mahdi would only increase the honor of Hazrat Mahdi (as). I am not claiming to be Mahdi, but I will never give up telling about Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- People’s abandoning to practice the Qur’an is one of the biggest portents of the existence of the system of the antichrist.
- A hypocrite wants to make people think that the Qur’an is insufficient. One of the most significant characteristics of (a hypocrite) is his desire to harm Muslims. A hypocrite always lies and what makes him really suffer is spending in the way of Allah.
 | - Allah has various kinds of methods to make people accept his commandments: either by force or by making them love, what they do. In the upcoming days, Allah will make people accepts Hazrat Mahdi (as) with either of these ways. They will face such incidents so that there will be no second choice, everybody will ask for the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- Getting upset is forbidden, a Muslim should be healthy minded. Being sad is only the consequence of being mistrust in Allah. Allah creates what is happening there (when you face a struggle), not the person you are interacting. And it is for sure that Allah brings that incident into being with goodness in it. Allah creates even such a thing that we call “like a bolt from the blue”.
- Hazrat Mahdi (as), would be recognized for sure. He who is chosen by Allah will be the Mahdi, however the false ones would be noticeable immediately. The one who is not chosen by Allah would never become Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- Antichrist is the trap of unbelievers; whereas Hazrat Mahdi is the trap of Allah against unbelievers. Unexpectedly to unbelievers, Allah will destroy them intellectually by making Hazrat Mahdi instrumental. Allah will show (them), to whom Islam’s world domination is belonged.
- A reluctant Muslim without passion would think like “…my marriage …my business …my school”; then he would say “…I am sick …I am tired etc.” finding excuses on and on. He would never want to help Muslims and Islam, and would never be in an activity for Allah(’s pleasure). But a real Muslim would always be active and passionate.
- It is very easy to make this world more beautiful with the love of Allah.
- There is no one whose instinct is never satisfied in this world. Allah creates that way. The only instinct that would never be satisfied is living eternal, though Allah will grant it in the Hereafter.
- Allah tells us about the streams in the Heaven. The joyful feeling for water is given us instinctively. It is unexplainable for one to like (desire) to sit by a stream. Even when buying a house, people ask if it has a pool or whether it is seaside. Allah will create continuously the blessing of being in such places near water.
- It was never happened such a panic for the (coming of) Mahdi in the history before. This panic which is still ongoing is the evidence of the coming of Mahdi (as).
- Dajjal (antichrist) made Muslims irreligious and Darwinist by force. His promoting has repeatedly continued until his hypnosis is completed. He made the illusion by saying “You have come about by chance, you are Darwinist.” Same way, it is required to make plenty of repetition to be able to break this illusion. It is very crucial to repeat explanations continuously for breaking the illusion of antichrist.
- The Satan makes people see the good, undoable. He shows the love, as if it is difficult. He makes the people see hatrets and lacking of love, easier. This way, people start to see the easiest thing the most difficult. However, Allah says “We will ease you to the Easy Way” in the Qur’an.
- He is Allah who created computer and the Internet as well. Most of the people do not aware of the fact that they see only the image (created) in their brain, and they are just typing the imaginary keys inside their brain. The real screen of a computer is in the outside world is transparent and is pitch-black. If the people knew this secret, they would never be able to stay calm.
- In the era of rising of the system of Mahdi, there needs to be the opposition, the anti-Mahdi movement. If there was not the dajjal (antichrist) and sufyan then there woudn’t be Mahdi; likewise if there wasn’t characters like Darwin and Marks there wouldn’t be Hazrat Mahdi (as). Atheists are too, the ones that increase the enthusiasm of the system of Mahdi. Allah creates all of these specifically for a purpose.
 | - As a small group of friends, we are struggling against a giant organization which formed by Darwinists and superstitionists. The common trait of our opponents is they are being anti-Mahdi.
- 2012 is a vital year; the year which the system of Mahdi is rising.
- Hazrat Mahdi (as) will release all Islamic schools. Alawi, sunni, shia’ are all brothers. There will be a blessedly brotherhood when the Turkish-Islamic Union is established.
- Bigotry and obscurantism are a sneaking threats; the only way to struggle against them is with the Qur’an.
- Embracing with love is Mahdism; whereas attempting to massacre is the system of antichrist (dajjal).
- According to a statement of Bediuzzaman, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will triumph over Darwinism with a handful of people.
- Faith in Allah and putting trust in Him is the greatest luxury in this world. When a person forgets about putting trust in Allah, the world collapses upon him. When he puts his trust in Allah on the other hand, the whole world renders its services to him.
- People attach themselves strongly to money and possessions, in fact all these are created in the brain. The color of dollars they assume to be outside ‐but are only in their brains‐ is not green. They are pitch-black outside. The sun is also dark; its light is created in our brain.
- Evolutionists say that everything happened by chance by means of mutations. In the Hereafter, Allah makes them live a life as if everything were created by chance… There, there will be those screaming around, a sheer environment of disorder, pain and corruption created for them.
- Our Internet sites are upon the universities. These websites are like the compilation of many universities. It is Allah Who also creates this university. Allah specially creates every word, every letter there.
- Wahdat al-Wujud (Unity of Being) is not our belief. Allah creates everything from nothing and in no time. Allah – may Allah forbid- has no need for waiting. Time exists in our own perspective. It is created for us. For Allah there is no time, it is Allah Who creates time.
- In the Hereafter everyone is brought to the edge of Hell. In order to lower those who do wrong, Allah makes them kneel down around the Hell. Muslims are also brought there. Allah separates Muslims from others. They have light in front of them and on their right. Those kneeling down, on the other hand, are taken to Hell.
- Say: ‘As for those who are astray, let the All-Merciful prolong their term until they see what they were promised…” Allah also granted time to the perverse generations of the past. Allah granted a time of 150 years to Darwinism as well. When they see what is promised to them, the Hazrat Mahdi (as), the rise of Islam and the Turkish Islamic Union, they will comprehend that their armies are nothing.
- The weapon of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is love, compassion and affection. Dajjal’s (antichrist) weapon, on the other hand, is blood and gunpowder. Hazrat Mahdi (as) only acts with love. As in an expression of Bediuzzaman, artistry, talent and unity are the three weapons of Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- A unity which is disintegrated can never exist. Unity means “oneness”. Hazrat Mahdi (as)will remove the disintegration of Muslims. He will restore it to its state in the time of our Prophet (saas).
- They will never succeed to demolish the Masjid al-Aqsa. Even the jinni and satans will have no effect over the demolition of Masjid al-Aqsa. It is protected by Allah. The hand that will demolish it will be broken.
- We will build Hazrat Solomon’s masjid in the Masjid al-Aqsa in gold plating Insha'Allah.
- When Hazrat Mahdi (as) passes away, we will say, “Oh Lord, make him attain Paradise.” But in that period Prophet Jesus (as) will be on duty. Because the Prophet Jesus (as) will be on duty, the demise of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not shake Muslims. But following the demise of the Prophet Jesus (as) Muslims will become lost and a constant corruption will start.
- Once corruption starts -after Hijri 1506-, there will be a struggle against unbelievers but at a moderate level. After Hijri 1508, the balance will be broken in the true sense of the word; Until Hijri 1543and always invisible and in a defeated manner. Between 1543 and 1545 there will be violence; no Muslim will remain on Earth. Death, massacre will pervade, buildings will demolish, and mosques will be destroyed. There will be a mass of people who are truly psychopaths and insane. They will leave neither the Qur’an nor hadith nor anything else. There will be no writing left of any kind related to religion. In a time when they just say, “The Day of Judgment was supposed to come”, they will face the Day of Judgment.
- When the Day of Judgment comes, there will be a great collision like the time of the evening. Their color will fade away. A tremendous earthquake will start and will not come to an end. The streets will be filled by crowds. The Earth will gradually get flatten. Children’s hair will turn gray; first their souls will be taken away and they will wander in the form of corpses. The skies will open up; the space will appear with all its blackness. The layer of atmosphere will open up entirely. Then there will be another collision and together with it the direction of Earth’s rotation will reverse. People will lose their mental capabilities, the Sun will rise from the West and angels will descend to the Earth. The environment of trial in this world will come to an end.
- There are those who try to make people face the Day of Judgment unprepared. May Allah forbid, this will ruin them; you will ruin yourself. All my descriptions about the Day of Judgment are true. There is a huge mass of meteors surrounding the Earth now. Nemesis also approached to the Earth. This is a star that sends stars at a very unexpected moment. Its location is unidentified; it is not seen with naked eye and it hurls meteors suddenly. Nemesis came to collide with the Earth; for Earth’s execution. Nemesis is the executioner of the Earth.
- Some sections of society are deeply in need of obscurantism. In the absence of obscurantism, it does not become possible to assume an attitude against the realities of Islam. They were having an attitude against the realities of Islam. But they could not do anything when the facts of Islam were told in a very satisfactory way. A pure understanding of Islam is advancing in universities, schools, everywhere. When superstitions are thoroughly wiped out, when all their claims are removed with the Qur’an, facts, the truth and information, they had to stop in astonishment since they had nothing to use against.
- A genuine Jew must be the follower of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) and abide by the Qur’an. In this case his love of the Torah and the Prophet Moses (as) will be utterly perfect and pure. His mind and conscience will then be utterly at ease.
- A genuine Christian must also absolutely be a follower of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) and abide by the Qur’an. A Christian’s love of the Prophet Jesus (as), Mary (as ) and the Gospel will only then be perfect.
- Right now we are in the End Times of the world. We must avoid all sorts of acts that will benefit the antichrist. Being hostile towards true religions and Islamic schools would simply mean rendering services to the antichrist.
- Islam is a religion of love. Islam protects both the Christians and the Jews. Islam never approves the discriminationby Islamic denominations one against another among Muslims.
- When Hazrat Mahdi (as) comes, the system of rage cultivated against Christians and Jews will also be removed. That is why some people do not want the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as). They want to eliminate love and replace it with rage and conflict. However Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bring peace and love.
- Hazrat Mahdi (as) will eradicate the system of antichrist. Hazrat Mahdi (as) can not be put to the sword, he can not be murdered. Many people struggle against Hazrat Mahdi (as) who will remove the domination of satan over the world. Can they ever stop him? In no way!
- The Prophet Moses (as) was a Muslim, Prophet Jesus (as) was also a Muslim. When Jews have faith in our Prophet (saas), they become the Muslims of the time of the Prophet Moses (as). They become purely devout people. When Christians believe in the Prophet Muhammad (saas), they also become the Muslims of the period of the Prophet Jesus (as). They live by the Christianity in its real sense. Having faith in the Prophet Muhammad (saas) does not take the Prophet Moses (as) from the hands of Jews or Prophet Jesus (as) from the hands of Christians. On the contrary, that faith draws them closer to their respective prophets.
- I have a deep love for the Prophet Moses (as) as I do to all other prophets. He also prayed several times in order to be the Hazrat Mahdi (as). He also awaited Hazrat Mahdi (as). The Prophet Moses (as) knew that Hazrat Mahdi (as) would abide by the Qur’an. That is also why he wanted to be the Hazrat Mahdi (as).
- At the beginning those opposing Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be in majority. Around him will be only 313 people. But then Allah will stir up an amazing love for Hazrat Mahdi (as). They will embrace Hazrat Mahdi (as) with love.
- One needs to consider rage not as a sign of taqwa but as a sign of fitnah.
- The fact that Allah is the Alive for all eternity is a very great blessing for a man who is mortal and it is a great reassurance for him.
- Darwinism, materialism is a religion with a tenet that atom is wise. This is a religion with a tenet that with this so-called wisdom, unconscious atoms came together and formed the senses of smell, sight, hearing and tasting. Darwinism is a pagan religion inherited from Sumerians and even generations that preceded them.
- Now that a person believes in a Darwinist world, Allah creates a Hell for him compatible with his creed. In Hell Allah shows him how evolution and mutation could ever existed. Everything in Hell is improper, uneven; everything is against them, everything is painful.
- Antichrist brings forward unhappiness. Those following Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be happy.
- The Qur’an does not bring forward suffering; It brings joy, freedom and purity of mind. The Qur’an wills to break the chains and open our ways. Obscurantists, bigots, on the other hand, want us to face hardship. They desire forms of worship, regular prayers, alms, laughing, friendship, eating and being joyful to be hard. The fact is however, Allah says that He did not reveal the Qur’an to us to make us miserable.
- “The Messiah would never disdain to be a slave to Allah nor would the angels near to Him..” Because Prophet Jesus (as) did not die and he is alive in Allah’s Sight, he worships in Allah’s Sight together with the angels. This verse is another evidence proving that Prophet Jesus (as) is alive.
- In the Qur’an Allah encourages science and arts. Science and arts is an inseperable aspect of a Muslim. The Qur’an is a just Book that will be valid until the Day of Judgment.
- The fundemental trouble of people is lack of love. If they were to experience love in the real sense of the word, then people would remain very healthy and beautiful.
- Love requires patience. It is essential to transform the difficult [aspects] and shortcomings of one’s beloved into beauty. Seeing the happiness of one’s beloved is food to the soul.
- In case of embracing a style lack of compassion, irreligiousness snowballs. If we do not approach with compassion, we will submit the world to disbelief. The wisdom should be apparent in the style of a Muslim.
- The style of a Muslim must definetly be appeasing. A Muslim does not harbour a spirit of rage and hatred. A Muslim should embrace a style taking care of the other party.
- The first false religion eliminated by the Prophet Moses (as) was belief in evolution. The sorcerer scientists of this age are also the Darwinist scientists.
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